Friday 25 January 2013

A rare relaxed day :-)

Dear Diary,
I think today has been alright, taking it easy and not feel so down. I would defo put that down to the continued support I'm receiving for my raising awareness of EDS. It has given me the strength to keep on bring determined to raise as much as I can for this condition and the charity. 
I have even managed to gain support from my local MP, who is happy with what I am doing and thinks my diary is very good idea. 
I just hope that I can make people proud of what I'm doing and continue to advise me along the way, particularly my family, close friends and fellow EDSers. Any other support is also valued immensely too. 
My pain levels haven't been too bad today and I also managed to stay awake more. Spending the majority of this week sleeping has definitely helped me both physically and emotionally. Fingers crossed that through the night won't be too bad either.
Keep smiling everyone and talk to you soon xxx

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